Sunday 6 May 2012

Poor Favor

We went to 'Favor' restaurant for Aishat's birthday and the experience beat our Skybar kerfuffle hands down. Lovely decour is not enough to make up for the intensifying smell of sewage as we were ordering. We smelt out a nicer area of the restaurant and sat there. Doug optimistically ordered a $37 steak and was delighted with it (which is impressive in Astana) but only until the bill came and it turned out to be a $57 steak. Being sick the next day added a not insignificant insult to his injury.
Out of Favor: charming lights, but that's about all.

To make matters worse a pint of Stella ('the only beer available' - yeh, sure) came in at $9, a pot of tea at $13, and Gulim's chicken dish, which turned out to be half a chicken, took an hour and a half to arrive. The management wouldn't accept responsibility and said that if we didn't accept it it would come out of the waitress's wages.

A lovely evening and I enjoyed my eel and noodles but I wouldn't recommend the restaurant.

Saturday 5 May 2012


Humorous flag caption.
Kazakhstan has a lovely flag: a beautiful colour, elegant eagle under a shining sun, and some 'ethnic' patterns on the left. The flag pictured is in the centre of Astana and is remarkably large. The two small black figures in the picture, on the structure at the top of the hill, are people.