Friday 20 December 2013

Opera House infactuation

As the winter sets in sitting on a bench becomes less practical. So my favourite urban past time in Astana has become jaunting past the Opera House, with its bold columns and ornate facade. I've already mentioned the Opera House, but I love it so much I've come back for more.
I didn't realise, until I approached closely enough to touch it, how very big it is. It's not too big, it's just really big. And up close it's really beautiful too (unlike many of Astana's buildings, which turn out to have tatty facades and worse interiors!). They've done a proper job, I think.
The Opera House also looks lovely in the snow, and with a Christmas tree.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Sunset mosque patterns

Sunsets in Astana are often impressive, with burning skies and whispy shiny clouds. In this particular moment the sun reflected off a glass building in front of a mosque, giving the illusion of a beautiful irridescent gold mosque.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Soviet handshake

In post-Soviet countries boys are drilled from a young age in the fine art of hand shaking. I present here the results of my in-depth study of this cultural phenomenon, which was subject to peer review, and would like to take this opportunity to thank the many, many, many, inordinately many natives who have shaken my hand, come rain or shine, regardless of whether we even know each other, and regardless of whether it will mean taking an hour to travel 100 metres down the street shaking everyone's hand. 

If you have dirty hands, wet hands, or an insufficient number of hands, you will be excused from the handshake.