Friday 26 October 2012

Wild horses

After the hunming dune we camped by the river and cooked outdoors, lush. After a night of being bitten we drove across some stunning scenery, on our way to the white mountains.
Vast vastness. Not a soul in sight. Mass massiveness. Huge giganticness.
 It may seem like an empty expanse but it's not - it's just not very densely populated. We chased a wild horse for about 20 minutes, which was really exciting.
Mick Jagger.

Camping without neighbours.
We went for a jolly long walk in the white mountains, which did not let us down as they matched their description just fine. Additionally, they offered an array of wonderful vistas.
White mountains. They do what they say on the tin.

Gap. Year.
Thanks to Sergei our guide, for his great cooking, driving, etc.


  1. Looks like you are having an amazing time. How did the poor horse cope with you chasing him for all that time ? x

  2. Meant to say am loving the Gap Year photo!

  3. Most of the time we were quite far away from him! I think he enjoyed the company :-)
