Tuesday 26 February 2013

Reykjavik benchmark

Not to be confused with a bench
This piece of public sculpture sits so well in its surroundings. I'm a big fan. Probably best not to sit on it though.
Reykjavik was quite forthcoming with its artistic spirit. This stunning concert hall wins my 'favourite building on a tiny Island with only 300,000 people yet we think of it as so much bigger - it's punching above its weight, even more so than Boston' award.
And I particularly liked this wall art. All of this begs the question, though, what about the benches? I enjoyed looking over the bay from a sturdy cast iron / Nordic pine hybrid bench, but for me the winner was this beauty:

Star Trek film set

Iceland is essentially a film set for Star Trek. It's easier to believe it's on another planet than to think it is on earth somewhere.
The ground feels alive, and the grey grumbling sky is so intense it's as if I can hear it. But I can't. I can only hear the howling wind.
The spray from the waterfall lands on the ground and freezes. Everything is so bleak yet dramatic.
Or just dramatic!

Monday 25 February 2013

Blue Lagoon

Turbid cyan waters, steaming before my eyes,
Turbulent cinereal clouds, overcast the sky.
Welcome to Iceland, a geological marvel,
And also a cheap brand of supermaket in England.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Copenhagen benchmark

Think outside the box. Inside the box.
Not a one trick pony, Copenhagen has an array of masterful benches. Above, near the university, a bench and chair in what is essentially a greenhouse. A perfect place to shield from the winter wind and continue reading that thriller.

A well poised bench, from which to ask well posed questions.
Busy capitals need serene squares, and this one includes a beautifully understated bench, with an extra-long wheel base, elegant arms, a classic frame, sufficient back support, and the all important wooden seat. Lush!

Saturday 23 February 2013

Copenhagen: the integrated bench

Real architecture should be an integral part of its broader environment, and what better commitment to that notion than to integrate benches into architecture? Copenhagen, which is Danish for 'bench heaven', excels at exactly that.

Integral to the museum, a bench.
Above we see a shining example of the integrated bench working to full effect. Relax, you're in Copenhagen. Integrating the bench into the architecture and the wider surroundings is an underrated part of the city's effect of making people feel welcome, rather than supposing we are an inconvenience.

On the right is a bench integrated into a museum which I wanted to visit but was too late (perhaps I didn't really want to visit). So I needed a bench, and what a fine one too. I sat, I watched, and I revelled. And I got a cold bum.

Below we have a majestic pair of benches, perfectly integrated into a classical arch. Sheltered, supported, but still bum chilling. Also, I don't know who would actually sit on those benches if it's not raining. So, they are for a rainy day. Literally.

Save it for a rainy day.

Friday 15 February 2013

Nefteyugansk first look

The local power station has made a special effort to look its best today
Power station: 'wickedly good looking' according to a survey.
The city hospital is sturdy looking,
Hospital: sturdy
The original accommodation in the city was the 'barracks', charming corrugated steel constructions.
Barracks: 'charming'.
And the closest thing to a shopping mall has some fake palm trees outside. It's cold here, and these trees are so wishful that it's not actually depressing, it's kind of sweet.
Fake palms in the Siberian winter: 'endearing'.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Perfect murder

The build up of icicles above walkways worries me; spring will be perilous!
Ice magic: death from above.

Monday 11 February 2013

The journey to work

I tried to make my way from Tyumen to Nefteyugansk on foot ...
but after a respectable attempt, I decided that the 700 km would be best covered by train.
The train was, much like a history teacher, cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

Monday 4 February 2013

Tyumen and a little lady

We went for a brisk walk in Tyumen and wandered in and out of the ice sculptures,
Ice palace in Tyumen.
some of which had some cheeky product placement, including this interactive sculpture which a young lady was enjoying sliding down.
Ice age in Tyumen.