Saturday 23 February 2013

Copenhagen: the integrated bench

Real architecture should be an integral part of its broader environment, and what better commitment to that notion than to integrate benches into architecture? Copenhagen, which is Danish for 'bench heaven', excels at exactly that.

Integral to the museum, a bench.
Above we see a shining example of the integrated bench working to full effect. Relax, you're in Copenhagen. Integrating the bench into the architecture and the wider surroundings is an underrated part of the city's effect of making people feel welcome, rather than supposing we are an inconvenience.

On the right is a bench integrated into a museum which I wanted to visit but was too late (perhaps I didn't really want to visit). So I needed a bench, and what a fine one too. I sat, I watched, and I revelled. And I got a cold bum.

Below we have a majestic pair of benches, perfectly integrated into a classical arch. Sheltered, supported, but still bum chilling. Also, I don't know who would actually sit on those benches if it's not raining. So, they are for a rainy day. Literally.

Save it for a rainy day.

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