Tuesday 30 April 2013

Marsh; mellow.

For months I wondered what was beneath the big open expanses of snow. Marsh, naturally, but I didn't quite believe it till I saw it. Here it is ... vast marshness, delimited by forest.
Marsh; mellow.
This completes a nice collection

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Winter views

The winter is beautiful, if very cold, and I love the snow covered trees.
Snow covered evergreens
In early April we had our first day fully above zero, but the snow takes forever to thaw and there are endless stunning days, often quite warm, with snow keeping everything pristine looking and still not much sign of life.
Sun bathing snow.
I saw someone had written 'spring as arrived' in the snow. It was -10C and it felt really warm so it seemed a reasonable expression; the irony didn't hit me until I saw someone had also written in the snow 'spring hasn't arrived'. If you can write in the snow, perhaps that's enough of an indicator that spring is yet to arrive!