Friday 20 June 2014

Tyumen benchmark

Tyumen needs its wrist slapped. To begin with look at this horror.
Shady fail
I don't even know where to begin. In defense of this bench atrocity, it is shaded. But there are more palatable ways of achieving shade ... you don't have to be in the tree! Tut tut! 
Moving on, above are the benches I sat on for half an hour while waiting for the Soviet style security office to issue me with a 'temporary permanent' security pass at work. These benches are, frankly, disgraceful. They are uncomfortable at any angle, both because of the sharp planks and the inhumane curvatures by which they are arranged.
Humble success
Moving on to the above pictured bench which doesn't try too hard and indeed achieves its aims quite humbly. Two legs, and a plank, plus obligatory steel bin. The 'goal mouth' around this seat, which sits on a small green in the centre of town, points to frequent use. By Tyumen's standards, this is elegant.
Low standard
On to something more palatable then. Above is the Tyumen Standard Bench (known as TSB in the industry). Spacious and robust, these seats are fine for perching and I like the design of the arms. But the low back is hardly of use and the rising arch behind it of limited value, albeit pleasing to the eye. Palatable, yes; good? Not entirely.
It seems, then, that you should stay on your feet in Tyumen. And if you do so, and you walk to the west, the seemingly endless grid system and honking traffic jams open up to a big fast flowing river with wonderful promenades, verdant banks, an elegant bridge, and - finally - a string of reasonable quality benches which will finally offer your feet the rest they deserve.

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