Wednesday 28 September 2011

Bench for two, with privacy

This bench, in Astana's main Gorodskoi park, didn't charm us at first. It is a garish blue, and its proximity to the aquapark did little to infect any sympathy for its colour. It has a bin, let's not omit that - we must be fair in our approach to bench rating. The four thick planks don't look particularly appetising, even to the most tired of derrières. Of course, what is most revulsive about this bench is that it is backless. A stool, no more than!

Alas, my negativety has been a chirade, this bench, charming is at may not seem at first sight, has a perculiar benefit which is of most value to a perculiar people - the British! It may seem obvious to the lay global citizen that if all benches - which by definition can accomodate at least two persons - have at least one fine friend with their glutes already firmly rooted thereon, then you should simply join one of them and sit and relax in perfect harmony. Well, the friendly Brit is not impressed by this. We must have personal space! Share a bench? How can one relax?! The lack of personal space is enough to cancel out the benefit of the bench altogether!

Here in Astana, whose benches are charming, we have an excellent example of a backless bench which accomodates two fine British persons, each with ample personal space seating. They sit back to back! Thank you to Jaimie (left) and Doug (right) for modelling this fine bench in the picture above.

It is still garish blue and unappealing, but for its practicality we will save it a slating and perhaps give it 3 starts. Or is that too kind?

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