Saturday 24 September 2011

Steppe away from the city

A train. In Kazakhstan.
We got up early on a Saturday morning to get the train to Burabay, just under 3 hours from Astana.
Some (presumably) old soviet industry

This involved seeing out across the steppe. Steppe is a Russian word adopted by English. It describes the landscape that dominates this part of Kazakhstan - big, open, dry, grassy, flat and windy.

The steppe. This large field seems to be cultivated. There wasn't a building in sight - must be a large farm!
Not a lot grows on the steppe, which goes some way to explaining why the people here were nomadic until soviet times.
I liked the trees - in particular these silver ones. Silver birch?

The sky seems so big, the moon so small.

Autumn colors
Hat with large diameter.


  1. Re. the size of the hats: that's where they keep their extra large plates to attack the buffet with, a bit like Alan Partridge.
