Sunday 20 November 2011

A Hoy here!

Not just any Hoy, but Chris Hoy, THE Chris Hoy, Sir Lord Darth Hoy. I was in the queue with him in the canteen, the lofty masked despot that he is; he was trying to order Penne Al Arrabbiata without a tray. An altercation ensued (‘you’ll need a tray!’). 
Hoy and mighty: he'll need a tray
Really, though, Chris Hoy was here for the World Cycling Club Union Championship Indoor Cycling Games Championship, at the Velodrome in Astana. At the people’s expense, they have built a fantastic velodrome here, right next to where we live, in the shape of a giant cycling helmet. It’s proper tack from the outside but inside is fabulous - in particular the arena itself. An elegant single span space-frame roof and a beautifully laid wooden track.
Women on treadmills make the arena rotate at high speed
It could not escape our attention that the cyclists had remarkable thighs. Anyway, distractions aside, cycling is EXCITING! In particular the sprint. We watched our boy Hoy from just a few metres away as his cumbersome thighs drove him to an even higher stratospheric status than before. Whoop. A really exciting day, except for the horror of the icy wind – winter is gonna be long!
I forget this British rider's name - probably because
she wasn't on a shredded wheat advert.

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