Friday 16 December 2011

Burger Mix vs Sky Bar

We took Doug out to Sky Bar for his birthday; it's only two floors up but its huge panoramic glass wall gives a good view of many of the shiny new tacky towers of Astana.

Despite the impressive scene, the music is deafening and the inevitable gazillion TV screens are also included, half with MTV as usual and the other half with flight times - the bar is relatively near the airport so you could meet there for a goodbye meal before flying off, all the while keeping an eye on your flight.

Silver lining: Burger Mix, next door to the inferior Sky Bar
In fact, that would be a terrible plan because the service is horrifically slow. After waiting the best part of two hours for Jamie's pizza we decided to leave (Jamie was convinced that they'd noticed we were angry but I pointed out that angry British people look just the same as other British people: calm and polite). Even getting the bill was arduous.

In a shade of irony, given that this was a bad service experience, Doug and I enjoyed some fantastic trout, probably the best food I've had in Astana.

The silver lining to this cloud of birthday misery is Burger mix: ten metres away from Sky Bar and sells beers and burgers for a tenth the price of Sky Bar and all served promptly; The burgers came hot and in fresh bread and were delicious. We resolved to hang out at Burger Mix in the future! 

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