Friday 23 December 2011

Salvador Dali

Sunglasses worn in a nightclub: as endearing
in Kazakhstan as anywhere else in the world.
I promised to review one more Night Time Club before Christmas so here it is. I love clubbing.

But first I'd like to say a very big thank you for the 1500+ visits here in the last few months. Taking my mum out of the equation I estimate that at least 10 other people have visited! It's been a real joy for me sharing the ins and outs of life in Astana with you. 

I'll be back in the new year leaving no bench unmentioned and no guide book unscathed.

Salvador Dali: terrible bar service, rip-off drinks, a good cover band who were quickly replaced by a DJ-in-the-spotlight playing mediocre music with as much continuity as a phone call while you drive through the Mont Blanc tunnel.

No chance of usurping Kazbar.
Aishat enjoys waiting three hours to be served at the bar.

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