Monday 16 January 2012


Darlington local council: making Britain proud.

Everyone knows Kazakhstan is the world’s pre-eminent bench proprietor, but during my time in the UK over the festive season I was heartened to find this beauty on platform 2 of Darlington station – it was reassuring to know that the UK, in Darlington’s local council, had something to offer the world. This multiplex of flower beds, timetable displays, and benches is an absolute gem. The perfect place to wait for the delayed 13.18 to Edinburgh Waverley!

I was knawing through a book at the time: Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman, a portrait of an amazing character; enjoyable and inspiring; a great thing to have while waiting for a British train. It’ll be the last paper book I’ll buy for a while as I’m off to Kazakhstan (hooray, more blogging). I’ve purchased a Kindle so that I can get books out there.

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