Sunday 29 April 2012

Jazz inside the circle of folly

The circle. Of folly.

The Norwegian embassy put on a free concert in the circle of folly and this was a great chance to see inside. It's a great building actually: iconic from a far, but also with an interesting presence when you're nearby, and the inside flows naturally and curiously. We were in an auditorium for the Norwegian jazz, which was mostly barely jazz - just the odd but very welcome blue note - but nonethless really good.
Jazztastic. Bring on the cheesy saxophone.

Before the concert began someone was tuning the piano and the sound of it was really warm and beautiful; following that it was mic'd up and some horrific reverb was applied; the whole concert proceeded with the speakers louder than the piano itself and the sound was disappointing - I might as well have just listend to a CD.

Not to worry, some entertainment was due near the end when some students came to join the pianist: a bass guiter, drums, and two saxohphonists, one of whom was painfully familiar.
Drunk on Norwegian jazz; the pyramid is opposite the circle.

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