Sunday 15 April 2012

Lifted higher by the Lufthansa Nauruz bunny

The Nauruz bunny.
Continuing with our series of reviews of airlines that fly in Kazakhstan, Lufthansa are a great airline on which with whom to whomever with to fly to Astana with because their sandwiches are of a very high quality. 

On my recent flight with Lufthansa, which is German for 'lifted higher by the Lufthansa Nauruz bunny', I was given a special chocolate bunny, probably to celebrate the recent festival of Nauruz. By coincidence it was the week running up to Easter, but I don't think that's relevant. It was delicious.

It was only when exiting the plane and walking through POSH class that I realised that they were given a far superior Lindt bunny. I felt most agrieved.

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