Friday 6 July 2012


It's usually fairly dry here - low humidity and low rainful; but last week the humidity built up until the heavens lost their patience ...
I took these shots from my apartment building. The city experienced flash floods as the drains got choked and people got soaked.
Irrationality at its worst.
I'm indebted to Andy for capturing this shot of men watering the plants during terrential rain (above). Presumably they're expected to return to the depot with an empty tank and would get into trouble if they didn't. It reminds me of an anecdote that a colleague told me:

    In Kazakhstan it takes three men to plant a tree:
    one to dig the hole, one to put the tree in, and one to fill the hole.
    If the second guy misses work one day,
    the other two do their job anyway.

1 comment:

  1. The ending of your anecdote: and they are students from Zhasyl Yel.
