Thursday 16 August 2012

Issyk-kul: beach

Off to the big lake then. The second largest blah blah blah in the world, with the blah blah biggest gold mine nearby. Statistics are irrelevant; this place is really, really beautiful. We found a lovely  spot on a beach, pictured below, and sunbathed and swam for a while.
A few people came to chat to us; everyone was very friendly. We were indulged by some (relatively) locals who told us that being buried in the hot sand for 20 minutes is good for your health (sure) and will avoid you getting the flu (sure). They offered to bury us; we obliged; but got a bit worried when all three of us were buried and they kindly put our hats over our faces to 'shield the sun'. Jamie emerged from what by now looked like a grave, govered in gravel and looking like a mummy. He wanted to keep an eye on our passports. Of course, this was no trick, these people were really kind, like everyone we met (except a few cabbies) but nevertheless it would be a stupid way to get robbed so prob worth avoiding!

The setting of the beach, on the south side of Issyk-Kul, a massive alpine lake, was stunning.
Jamie takes a plunge amid the mighty Tien Shan mountains
Of course, we weren't totally alone on the beach - there were a few locals too ...
Slightly saline. Not bothered.
A classic Soviet summer holiday.

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