Friday 18 January 2013

Oh, go on then

Ok ok, here's the highlights of what is, I have quickly come to realise, the most spectacular capital city in the world. Let's start with this colourful number:
Es are good.
The Beatles' drug use to inspire their creations looks like a mere sugar rush from a snickers when compared to the evident substance abuse that must have been going on when architect SeƱor Big Cheese drew up the plans for this wondrous onion homage, pictured above. It's really fabulous.

Before I arrived, Moscow confused me. What's with the lack of symmetry? What's with the jumbo building features, and brightly coloured churches? Are they for Children?!
Red square; red chruch.
Well all that disappeared when I arrived in Moscow. Firstly, the buildings, when seen in real life, are actually really charming and seem to make total sense; and secondly the scale and magnificence of the whole Kremlin / Red Square etc. architectural ensemble is so impressive as to wipe away pre-conceptions and leave you totally absorbed by the assembly.

The complex of buildings is actually massive; the walls of the Kremlin are massive; everything's massive. I have learned, in two days in Moscow, that America doesn't have a monopoly on Massiveness. Russia does a mighty fine job too.

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