Saturday 26 January 2013

Some Moscow architecture

Unsurprisingly Moscow is full of buildings and we should all give a high five to the numerous architects who have made such a marvellous metropolis. Here’s one of the seven sisters, carefully captured out of focus for that genuine instagram effect.
One of the seven sisters: instant gramification
And here’s one that George Orwell would be very proud of
The ministry of sarcasm.
The GUM department store on Red Square seems to be inspired both by Crystal Palace and that shopping centre in Leamington Spa – the parades, isn’t it?
Leamington Spaski
And let’s not forget the Kremlin, a magnificent fortress
Slightly more fortified than the Palace of Westminster
which serves to protect all of the onion museums inside, such as Ivan’s terrible bell, pictured below,
Ivan: a terrible bell.

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