Sunday 16 October 2011


We began the evening at a work do before moving on to Kazbar. The work do included some entertainment, the most memorable of which was, firstly, 'Dancing group Eurasia', a trio who came out in different outfits to do different types of dance; starting, of course, with Kazakh ('Dancing group Eurasia, with Kazakh dance'), followed by flamenco ('Ladies and Gentlemens, dancing group Eurasia, with Flamenco dance'). You've got to emphasise the last two syllables if you really want to get a feel for this guy announcing the dancing. Dancing group eurASIA! Ladies and Gentlemens, please welcome dancing group eurASIA with belly dancing! 

There was also a man playing the Kazakh dombura, a two stringed instrument that you strum. He was incredible. He was technically very impressive and also I genuinely liked the sound as well (it wasn't just nice because it was 'cultural'!).

Speaking of cultural, the other memorable entertainment was not so impressive, but cultural nonetheless. He was a fairly young looking guy in all black smart wear but for his white blazer, and short dark hair with a subtle but very definite mullet. He was playing a large saxophone which had a radio mic so he was free to roam. He played some great tunes murderously - e.g. Gershwin's summer time, a couple of Stevie Wonder numbers, and Killing me Softly. The saxohpone sound was worse than Kenny G (I didn't previously think this was possible - although I suspected that Bill Clinton would make a good effort), and this was multiplied by the way he strolled around the desserted dance floor, taking a slow soft step backwards, looking at the sky as he emphasised all the wrong notes. It was gross! Actually, I think I'll just put a video of him here and save Kazbar for another entry.
He throws his hand up in tacky joy after a few seconds.
Also note the faint karaoke accompaniment. Fabulously unbearable!

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