Sunday 17 June 2012

Dasvadenya winter

A jog through the fields opposite.
Serving suggestion: listen to Jimmy Cliff.
The front garden looks like an
aerial view of Mozambique
The winter is a faint memory now and Astana has transformed from a pristine vacuum of life to a vibrant city which could even be described as charming at times. People are out and about, families playing, couples on walks, groups of teenagers hanging around (but none particularly menacing). There seem to be pregnant women everywhere. I suppose there was nothing else to do in the winter.

The weather is always warm enough and never too hot. Rumour is that they poison the mosquitos (if so, it works); the sun is usually out, and the breeze is usually light. The evenings stay light forever, and even when it's dark, it's warm, and you can sit outside and enjoy a beer (but don't get caught ... eek).

Summer means you can enjoy the city's many public works
of art. Some, like this, are actually enjoyable.

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