Sunday 17 June 2012

Kaz Munai Bench

Kaz Munai Gaz is the national oil / energy / kleptocracy company and they have an emirates-inspired HQ in Astana with a huge arch over the centre-line of new Astana's line of symmetry which runs from the President's palace to Khan Shatyr.
Two benches, three bins. Almost as disproportionate
as Kazakhstan's oil revenues.
Down on the humble ground in front of the Kaz Munai Gas HQ lies this shocking combination (above) of two neighbouring benches, with three bins between them. I feel that this is excessive. Morally repugnant.
Wall of tall glass: tacky towers abound.
The line of symmetry in Astana is a wide and very long pedestrianised area and it's actually wonderful. Lots of grass and benches and gardens and fountains and public art of questionable quality. Astana in the summer is really quite pleasant.
Khan Shatyr: EuroHike's new luxury camping offering.

3rd July 2012, corrections and clarifications: link added to 'morally repugnant', to explain the joke; 'excessive' changed to 'disproportionate'.

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