Tuesday 19 June 2012

Toilet ... pictures

I like these because they're unambiguous, and they have character.
Are you a thief or a headmistress? Choose your own adventure
They're in Alibaba, a resturant near the river with a big outdoor, shaded area with a straw roof. There are tweeting sounds coming from birds hanging in cages; the cages are covered in ornate blankets because, apparently, the birds only tweet in the dark. Sad. But there's a really good atmosphere at the resturant and it's great to be able to sit outdoors.

The food is good at Alibaba's - the horse meat shashlik is a particular highlight. Usually lamb shashlyk is best but here the horse is genuinely nicer. Shashlyk is a posh word for 'a bunch of bits of meat'. The servings are notably small though.

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