Saturday 21 September 2013

Malled by the Emirates

There's Ibn Battuta, which has gone for the classic/ancient style. Here's one of the decorative domes inside:
A decorative dome inside a 'classic' mall
Then there's the Mall of the Emirates, which has gone for the classic/European style. Here's one of the decorative domes in the background:
(hello again mother)
They've perfectly captured the spirit of classic Italy by making wonky buildings and putting the lampposts not in a straight line. Incredible.

And then there's the gold souk (market), which is actually classic. If you Google it then you'll see it's bustling with people and full of refulgent gold; alas, on a Friday morning the shutters are down and it's all but silent.

Gold souk. Mostly closed on Friday mornings.
At least there were some benches, which is more than I can say for most of Dubai.

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