Monday 26 August 2013

Dubai mall

There are more shops, restaurants, and atria than you can shake a stick at here. You'll need at least three sticks if you want to shake a stick at all the things in the Dubai Mall. And there's an aquarium, an ice-rink, you name it. My favourite aspect was the atria, of which my favourite was the Souk atrium.
A modern place of worship
It's really quite a marvellous place. You can leave aspiring to buy something, return next time to buy it, and you'll leave already aspiring to replace what you've just bought with something else, and you can just spend your whole life aspiring to be better than you already are buy buying more things than you already have. There's so much here. They have everything that you desire. Even green women.
Everthing you desire. Including green women.

I noticed that they had just enough signs to help you feel comfortable and not lost; but a severe lack of exit signs. Don't exit, just stay here and aspire, in all the different aspirational places.

The thing is, it's so well done, and it's so scorchingly hot outside, that it's quite nice in there. Especially the toilets in Bloomingdales, which are so spacious, and comfortable. So I sat on the loo and sketched this:

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